Hey all, we have just finally received these 2 awesome machines from a trade deal that started over 3 years ago. Yep that's a long time, sort of another casualty of covid, because this started right before that happened. It has been a series of delays since then, including us moving the shop from North Carolina to Texas 1100 miles further away. I had started getting used to the idea that I might never actually take possession of these. But all the sudden things started moving largely due to a friend of ours that was willing and able to pick these up and deliver them to us. Thanks again Smitty (let the smack talk begin)! The planer is about 8000 pounds, according to the brochure, so loading, transporting and unloading, took a little extra consideration. Here are some arrival pics;
Now we are evaluating these new acquisitions and finding out that there is not a lot of info around about either one of these. I guess that's the pitfall of rare machines? I had basically bought these sight unseen, because they were in the very back of a loaded container and previous owner couldn't get pics, so seeing them on the trailer in essence for the first time was pretty exciting, I'm not gonna lie! This planer is big, it makes our 299 planer look like a lunch box! Initial inspection reveals machines cutter heads are spinning freely, that's a good sign! The machines look a little rough from storage but seem solid. We got 2 grinders with the planer, neither of which are the correct one, so I am just starting to solve that mystery. If anyone reading this can help me figure out the grinder thing that would be great! A friend of ours has the grinder from a model 261 planer so we are trying to see if that is the same. The planer has a straight knife cutter head, 4 knives. We are also missing the jointing bar, and the previous owner forgot to load the dust hood, so we have some loose ends to tie up. That's it for now, I'll post updates as we move through the restoration process. Thanks for looking and hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!
Hey All, I have been working on a little history to try and figure out which was first, the Oliver 261 or the 361, the biggest difference between the 2 is the 261 has jack screws for table movement and the 361 is a wedge bed. I have narrowed it down by going to the brochures. So the last Oliver 61 brochure, the previous model planer, that I have is from 1931. The oldest brochures I have from the model 261 is 1937, as well as 1937 for the 361. So there was also a little thing going on called the great depression and I think it is unlikely that Oliver rolled out a big, new, expensive planer model right then? With Oliver Machinery Co. you never know. The oldest machine I have seen was a 361 from 1938-39. I did order a Manual from Jon @ straitoplane.com but have not received it yet. Oliver manuals were mostly pretty bare bones, so we'll see if it teaches me anything. I am thinking the top end of these two models might be the same or at least use the same grinders. The reason I want to know that is I have located a 261 planer grinder in Georgia and my spidy senses tell me it will fit.
Happy New Year everybody!
Wow a lot of time has flown by this year. But I have started working a little on the planer at night after work. I have fired this up and she runs so smooth I thought the bed rolls weren't turning. But they are turning and it's an understatement to say this is smooth and quiet. The planer is in amazing condition for being in storage, in a container, for 20 years or more. I got some new history, this machine came from Conley Adult Learning Center overlooking downtown Pittsburg on the hill behind what was the Civic Arena. The "hill" is the hill of the program Hill Street Blues, an old cop show. So there's lots of little things to fix and while I was doing that, she suddenly started to turn green. I so didn't have time to paint this right now, but it just sort of happened.
We would normally paint this in the booth, but at 8000 pounds I cant pick it up with our 6000 pound fork lift. So she got painted in place, which is still close to the booth so I could at least run the exhaust fan. I am going to leave her on the machinery skates until she lands where the 299 planer is now. We are still waiting to get the hood from the previous owner and still working on the grinder solution. We are close to running some material through her and I really like this planer and can't wait to get her into production!